Treating Sciatica with Acupuncture
- Posted by admin
- on Jun, 19, 2014
- in Acupuncture | Alternative Medicine
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Sciatica refers to a group of symptoms caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back and extends through the legs. A herniated disk, bone spurs or even muscle spasms can lead to compression of the nerve, creating inflammation, pain or numbness in the affected leg. Sciatica is typically treated by attempting to reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve via: anti-inflammatory medication, muscle relaxants or steroids.
Acupuncture is also effective in treating sciatica. By improving circulation and releasing stagnant qi, acupuncture helps to relax and stretch the tendons and tissue thereby releasing tension from spastic muscles and allowing the back to heal. Increasing circulation to the lower back also reduces inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Finally, acupuncture can be used to combat the pain associated with sciatica while the body heals.
Cupping is also a fantastic treatment for sciatica. Cupping loosens areas of tissue adhesion or restriction, helping to further relax muscles and relieve pain. A combination of acupuncture and cupping is recommended for a faster recovery time.
Princeton | Monroe Acupuncture
601 Ewing St. SuiteB-1
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 203-2942