Treating Tinnitus with Acupuncture
- Posted by admin
- on May, 27, 2014
- in Acupuncture | Alternative Medicine
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Tinnitus is a condition, characterized by a lingering ringing, clicking or buzzing in the ears. Long-term exposure to loud noise, allergies and blockages, certain medications and other medical conditions (such as high blood pressure) can lead to tinnitus.
Tinnitus is treated in two ways: reducing the evidence of its symptoms and addressing the underlying causes of the condition. Hearing aids, maskers and retraining therapy are used to cope with the constant ringing induced by tinnitus. Surgery, antidepressants, antihypertensives and other medications are used to treat the underlying causes of tinnitus, though these more proactive methods have side effects and can prove to be ineffective.
Acupuncture can address both of these areas of treatment at once, making it an excellent, holistic alternative. As discussed in a previous blog post, acupuncture can help to greatly reduce stress and improve sleep, thereby improving the body’s ability to cope with the effects of tinnitus. Acupuncture calms the excited nerve cells used for hearing to provide further relief. Acupuncture can also be used to treat the underlying causes of tinnitus like hypertension, anxiety, allergies, etc.
I strongly recommend acupuncture as a first line of treatment for tinnitus. Whether you are unsatisfied with your current level of relief from hearing aids and maskers or wary of taking medications or undergoing surgery, acupuncture can both relieve the symptoms and address the causes of tinnitus.
Princeton | Monroe Acupuncture
601 Ewing St. SuiteB-1
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 203-2942